Ventilation is essential in all buildings whether industrial, commercial or residential. It allows a building to breathe and maintain good adequate aeration. It gets rid of unwanted odours and controls the amount of moisture lingering in a building which can have a detrimental effect on the long-term health of the structure itself and the people who live and work inside.
Achieving a healthy balance of air that moves air in and out of a building relies on protecting the ventilation ducting, particularly from unwanted visitors such as insects and birds nesting in the outdoor dryer vents.
That was exactly the mission that James Aiken Engineering was commissioned to undertake by a US military base in Poland no less. The objective was to establish a series of strategic defences to combat encroaching invaders from setting up camp and infiltrating the ventilation system.
The Challenge
James Aiken was tasked to fabricate 15 double (2.3m x 1.8m) and 19 single (0.9m x 0.75m) weather hoods, complete with insect and bird mesh ready for despatch to Poland for installation. Time was of the essence and James Aiken was chosen for the mission because the contractor knew the Aberdeen-based engineering firm were more than capable of completing the work on time.
From detailed plans supplied, James Aiken’s team of engineers built the weather hoods in mild steel, light but strong enough to withstand extreme weather. The fabrication and machine shops were mobilised into action, deploying their high definition plasma/laser cutting and CNC conventional machining facilities, while its crack-team of multi-coded welders worked round the clock to securely assemble each structure, complete with an insect mesh or bird screen welded to the frame. The final assault was a visit to the paint shop to protect the steel with a coated armour.
If you need bespoke fabrication or machining work for your next mission, then call James Aiken Engineering for a quote.